Language Selection
Model Selection
Body electrical system
Information and display systems
Instrument cluster (IKE) (as of 1995_9)
Warning lamps
Parking brake warning lamp
WDS Wiring Diagram System - E38OLD
Service functions
Gear ratios (without 7'_E38)
Body electrical system
General vehicle electrical system
Audio and communication systems
Bus systems
Cruise Control (FGR) (M51 engine)
Cruise control GR 2 (without M73 engine without M51 engine)
Heating and air-conditioning systems
Information and display systems
Restraint systems
Locking and security systems
Seats and steering column
Wipe and wash systems
Central Body Electronics (ZKE)
Instrument cluster (IKE) (up to 1995_09)
Instrument cluster (IKE) (as of 1995_9)
CCM Check Control Module (up to 1995_09)
CCM Check Control Module (LCM) (as of 1995_9)
MID Multi Information Display (MID Multi Information Display)
FID Multi Information Display, rear (FID Multi Information Display, rear)
On-board-monitor systems (without USA left-hand drive with BMBT On-board monitor, control panel)
On-board-monitor systems (USA left-hand drive with BMBT On-board monitor, control panel)
Multi-function steering wheel
PDC Park Distance Control
Instrument Cluster
Warning lamps
Interfaces, signals
Diagnostic connector
OBD socket outlet (( 740iL_A_M62_LIM or 740i_A_M62_LIM or M73 engine ) with USA left-hand drive)
Warning Lamps
General brake warning lamp
Parking brake warning lamp
Brake pad wear
Seat-belt indicator lamp
Fuel reserve indicator
Turn indicator telltales
Fog-light indicator lamp
Rear-fog-light indicator lamp (without USA left-hand drive)
Main-beam indicator lamp
Oil-pressure indicator lamp
Preheating/DDE (M51 engine)
Check engine warning lamp (USA left-hand drive)
Handbrake, oil pressure indicator lamp (( M60/1 engine or M62 engine or M60/2 engine or M73 engine ) with left-hand drive)
Handbrake, oil pressure indicator lamp (M52 engine with left-hand drive)
Handbrake, oil pressure indicator lamp (M51 engine)
Handbrake, oil pressure indicator lamp (( M60/1 automatic transmission or M60/2 automatic transmission or M62 automatic transmission or M73 engine ) with right-hand drive)
Handbrake, oil pressure indicator lamp (M52 automatic transmission with right-hand drive)